Wednesday, March 26, 2014

What is my style?

I find often times people don't know where to start when redo their home or even just a room.  When people say, my style is modern or Victorian, it may be, but very rarely is that they end all be all.  My personal style is Tailored Transitional. It means I like a mix of contemporary and traditional, but cleaned up a bit and a little matchy-matchy. I like that. That is me.  You know how I came to that? I stored pictures.  I used to rip them out of magazines when I saw a picture and I looked at it longer than all the other ones or I let out a gasp of visual delight. THAT is when you know what you like - that little gasp. Now, I have Pinterest. I pin so many ideas of rooms.  Most of the time, it's because I really love that table, or rug or whatever. Sometimes it's because I love the color scheme, or is that what I love? I'm not sure why I love this room, but I just do.  Save it.  Once you do this for a month or more. Go back through them and you will see your style emerge because the pictures will have things in common.  Find the commonalities and build on that. Maybe you really like curvy furniture, or a mix match of artwork, or super sleek lines. After looking through pictures that made you gasp, you will see what your style is.  When you go shopping, for decorating that is, don't buy things because you need them. ( I know the opposite of shopping for anything else.) You buy them when you LOVE them.  I have needed curtains in my office for...forever now, but I haven't found the ones that I just love yet.  Wait for them.  It will make your space that much better and you will truly feel happy when you step foot into your space. It will make you gasp.

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